There are 8 minutes on the clock. Go.

So, you may have noticed that there were no posts from me this week. What, you mean you didn’t? Really? Oh. Oh, okay. Well, anyway, there weren’t.

The reason for that is that I normally do these during the weekend, and this last weekend was spent dealing with a child who decided that the contents of his tummy were better out than in, and proceeded to conduct empirical research to that effect. Then his Dad got the same bug and then I did. So no blog posts, just a lot of laundry and very little appetite.

So now I have eight minutes to type out one single blog post to entertain, educate or even just get a reader or two. I love my readers, I do, sometimes I look at my stat numbers and just get a little frisson of joy of all of you reading away of my pearls of wisdom. Which so far contain a lot of child vomit. But I digress!

Anyway, I now have four minutes on the clock. So far my writing is somewhat hampered by a bit of a slump from me. I pulled a novella out of my hat during the month of November, something that was completely different for me. I even put a different name on it, and sent it off for review. It did well, but not as well as I’d like. My notes were good, it needs work, but really I think I thought I could actually write without, you know, writing. Which is editing. Undaunted, our heroine was working away on a second plot, but found that it just didn’t get her going the way it should have. It’s only until now, nearly the end of December, that I think I have the plot put to bed and can start writing proper. The words on the page are the point; the rest of the time it is going back and editing it.

Like this, but with a lot more blood involved.

One minute left. This weekend we’re getting a tree and decorating the house, and avoiding sugary trees (the tum is still dodge). Hope you have a great weekend, see you Monday!!

Why do poets – a poem.

Why do poets read their words like this

A sonorous monotone

That kills each word

And leaves it,

lying there, dead on the ground.


And yet,

and yet,

Each word is

A memory,

A key,

A lifeline

To love,

To lives,

Our sorrows,

Our sorries,

Our miseries,

Our loss.


Each words dissipates

On your breath

Like purple

butterfly wings

thinner than the mist at dawn.

She loved you.

You’re fired.

Come home.



So sing loud, children, sing clear

Each word you make

makes you live,

makes you alive

In the eyes of others,

The yes of others.

A New Day

So I found myself getting up again this morning, and writing a plot structure of 1600 words out.

A plot structure.

As in, I haven’t even gotten to the thing itself yet.

Still, it is an interesting project. But I think I might, for the moment, just write in the mornings, and try to clean this house now and again. It’s getting a bit insane around here.

Still. I’m writing! Whay!

It’s a new day, children.

Our heroine discovers time on her hands.

I hate having nothing to do. Some people cope quite well with life at a certain pace, but I do not. In fact, I sometimes wonder if the worst thing in the world for me would be to win the Lottery. Life with all the major challenges met (which, you have to admit, would happen if you suddenly had millions) would I think leave me slightly crazy.

“Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! Alright yes.”

I’ve just finished one project, that I enjoyed so much I happily got up early each day to do it. The fact that it’s done, though, leaves me without the mental crutch it had provided. I’ve several other plots I could be working on, but I’m not able to rush into them yet, none of them have gripped me the same way. Plus, I am tired. I feel that while one side of my brain is telling me to rush on to the next project, the other is close to just switching off and sleeping, whether I want it to or not.

So I want to work, but I’m tired, and I need to work, but I don’t. I think what I might to for a bit is read, even; read writers I haven’t had a chance to read for a while, and see what it does to my mind.

Isn’t this Heaven? From

Sooooo… anything you’d recommend? And that goes for Blogs, as well, I’d love to see what’s out there. Have a good weekend!