100 days without sugar; 87 to go

New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

After a difficult night’s sleep, i.e., being woken at 4.45 am with no chance to get back to sleep, it was hard work getting up and getting to the pool this morning. In fact, once I was there I found myself in the throws of a negative mood I couldn’t shift. It seemed pointless being there, pointless to even pretend I was any good. I should have stayed home and minded my son, or gone into work, or anything; anything but believe I was going to get any benefit out of this.  And I’m sorry to say I gave in. I got out of the pool after only 1000 metres rather than my usual 1500 m, and slid away. And as I dried my hair, I noticed another grey hair in the mirror.

Our Author discovers another reason to despair.

And oh lord are they coming out of the wordwork today. From the somewhat insane candidate to the parent of a student to who knows what, I seem to be a lightening rod for the crazies today. Wish me luck getting home in one piece, no doubt I’ll be beside the mad people on the bus!

100 days without sugar; 88 to go

New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

Sunday, 25th May; I woke up dreaming of Cable ties around lampposts. I’m pretty surprised by the election results, depressed, even. Mary Hanafin? Really? On your own head be it. I did vote, so I have the right to complain, at least.

The little man is up at 8am and we go, after breakfast, for a long walk that ends up lasting for an hour and a half. We pet every dog we pass, pick all the daisies and collect all the interesting leaves and stones we see along the way. The estate here is perfect for this in that it has long walks that have no access by car, so there is no need to worry about a car knocking a little person down. It also has a tiny stream that allows for frogs, etc, and he is still young enough to be delighted by it.

We get home, and he is tired. Matter of fact, so am I, so after his lunch he settled down for his nap and I have a snooze. And I end up dreaming of sugar; egg whites whipped to a creamy frothiness, with coconut added and sweetener. I wake up thinking that surely that must be possible?

In any case, while he is still asleep I have made this;


Sugar free peanut butter cookies. I’ve just pulled them out of the oven and we’ll see how they are shortly. They are here to serve that difficult, after-dinner period when I hate to say no to myself. Will let you know how I get on!

Don’t know how they taste yet…

100 Days without Sugar; 89 to go

New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

So, for the purposes of this blog I’m writing this on Saturday the 25th May (look, just work with me on this one). I was woken at 6am by the little man and we had a grand morning together. Then I left him into his father’s capable hands and headed into town to meet my sister. She and my rather lovely niece were off to see One Direction (Squeeee) and we were all meeting for lunch.  On the way there, I was lucky enough to meet this guy.

Or in other words, Rory O’Neil, who had to deal with a somewhat insane redhead on Abbey Street going “Let me shake your hand!”. He was lovely about it, to be honest, even responded to my tweet later on…


So! Anyways, the whole town was given over to One Direction, and the pavements were packed. It’s hard to remember I used to live around there, and I’m rather glad I don’t anymore; negotiating the whole ‘gritty urban environment’ thing is so stressful on its own, I don’t think I could cope with it with a little person as well. It was great to hang out with them though, Rachel is all about music right now, so I was able to look deeply uncool to her. Yay!

The evening (and yes, I didn’t home till about six, sorry to the Husband for being out all day!) saw me get home with a quick dinner from Marks and Sparks, and then biscuits with my tea. So that is another day got through. It’s weird being without sugar, it is something that takes a lot of effort. I aim to use Sunday for baking substitutes, and will let you know how I get on.

100 days without sugar; 90 to go.

New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

You would be so proud of me yesterday. When I got home after work I put out the bins, cut the grass and washed down the patio in the back garden, started and emptied the dishwasher and washed the kitchen floor as I headed down to the creche. As a reward, for dinner yesterday, I gave myself the biggest serving of lasagne. And it wasn’t bad lasagne either, Himself had made it with three types of meat and chilli powder, so it was delicious. I really couldn’t complain at all, so I’m not going to.

Gosh, what a long week. I’ve been at my desk at 7.30 am twice this week, and I’m working late tonight as well. I was so tired yesterday after my long day, my swim, everything, that I gave myself a break this morning and I didn’t go for my swim. I know, I know, the first faltering step is the first failing step, but I didn’t think I could function and still do everything I have to do today. I have seen the end of the first ten days without sugar, and some days were really, really hard. That’s why I have gone out and gotten this.


Nyom nyom, nyom nyom nyom.

Nyom nyom, nyom nyom nyom.

It is a bar of chocolate, and shortbread biscuits, made with artificial sweeteners. I don’t think they can be regarded as very healthy, but they will do quite well as a fall back plan if I find I am weakening. I want to use the weekend to see if I can make up some substitutes using Splenda, etc. I have no trouble avoiding it during the day, it’s my cup of tea after dinner that sees the real temptation arrive. Wish me luck!

100 days without sugar; 91 to go.

New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

Oh lord this is getting difficult. Really, really difficult. We’ve a busy week here in SILS, what with examinations and grading, interviews and a visit for an extern to prepare for. I would love nothing more than to reward myself with a biscuit or seven, to give myself that nice full feeling. Last night, Himself came home and offered me some yoghurt covered nuts, which I had to refuse. Today, I did a mere 1000 metres in the pool and have been on the go all day. I want to reward myself, and say well done, mainly because I feel I’ve earned it.

But that’s nonsense. It’s just been a busy day, I have no excuse to eat up like that. I’m not hungry, I just want my sugar rush. Well tough luck, baby, you’ll just have to get on with it.

100 days without sugar; 92 to go.

New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

Last night was pizza. Not sugar, no, but not exactly healthy. At that hour of the day it was just fuel, nothing more.

So. Today, we have had a meeting that started at 9 am, with lots of prep needed. So I have forgone my usual early morning swim and was at my desk at 7.45 am, get me.

It is strange – I feel untoned and sloppy just for not exercising for one day. I’m determined to do a good session tomorrow morning, no matter what.  Wish me luck!


100 days without sugar; 93 to go.

New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

I know I am imagining it, but my clothes feel looser. Probably not due to removing sugar, but just not eating as much junk as I usually do.

This morning, again, another swim. I stick to the Medium lanes, and feel like a pleb. Still, I get it done.

And I meet a friend for coffee, in the Arts Cafe here in UCD, where I get to pass this…

Temptation and the tempting thereof...

And I don’t have any of it. Go me, I have accomplished something today. 

100 days without sugar: 94 to go…

New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

Swam as usual this morning. Managed a paltry pace, but did bring in the last 50 metres at 48 seconds. My fastest is 40 seconds, so I’m way behind there. I wonder what on earth I must look like to the rest of them in there; some sort of flipper-clapping seal or walrus shaped creature that really should know better. Imagine the conversation at the poolside;

“That was a great session! How did you do, Walrus Claire?”

“Arrgh Arrgh Arrgh!”

“Siouper Siesson Siays I!” (I’m holding in my stomach in this one.)

I was sorry to learn that Darragh McDonald (@Darragh_McD on Twitter) won’t be taking part in the European Championships due to a hernia. Hope he is feeling better soon. His sessions in the pool are two hours each, twice a day, so I have very little to complain about. 

And managed to successfully avoid the biscuits after dinner again, which is my danger time. It is not much, admittedly, but it is something and I’m claiming it.

100 days without sugar – 95 days to go

New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days. And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people. Now read on…

There is a real need that sugar serves. It can become such a comfort before you even know it. I find myself mentally leaning on it without my even realising it. Yesterday we took the little man to the beach and then on to his grandparents, a long day that ended long after ten pm.  Today he woke me at 6am and my brain refused to go back to sleep. He dropped off for a nap at about 10.30 am, but I am strung out and stretched thin with tiredness. I find myself constantly telling myself that never mind, I now deserve buns/chocolate/comfort food. It seems for me, sugar is a substitute for developing some bloody character.  It means that without my crutch, I can feel my self esteem drop; my usual method of showing myself approval is gone from me, so what good am I?

Exhausted, flabby, no make, *perfect* time for a photo...

Exhausted, flabby, no make, *perfect* time for a photo…

The biggest hurdle in all of this is, as always, learning to live this way…

Wednesday Write In #90

The prompts are; jungle  ::  matchbox  ::  sparrow  ::  hog  ::  mull

The matchbox room was a comedown after the jungle. She stood next to her luggage and stared at the tiny room.

“It is a bit small, I grant you,” said the cockney landlord behind her, “but I think you’ll find it will grow on you.”

Like mildew, she thought. “It’s fine, thank you. I hope you received the deposit on time?” She turned to look at his hog-like face, that managed to glisten with sweat in the cold room.

“I did, indeed. I trust that the rent will be forthcoming shortly?”

“Yes, on the fifth, as arranged.”

“Excellent. Then I will leave you to your new abode,” he said, giving one last greasy smile, and then finally shutting the door behind him.

She sighed as she looked around her. The room was big enough for a sparrow, really, nothing more. Her large trunks looked ridiculous bundled up against the wall, but she she had no idea things would be like this.  It had seemed the norm when she had taken the steamer back to London. She would have to prioritise what to unpack, use only what she needed. She dreaded what the bathroom must be like. None of that mattered, anyway.

She sat down on the bed and mulled it over. He had been gone since January, that was four months now. She had no intention of letting him remove himself from her life without explanation, without some idea of what was going on. That was unacceptable. She was going to find out what had happened to him. And then she was going to go home, back to her old life and her own country.

Home. She thought with misery of the starlings and birds that fluttered on the veranda at home, the heat and the light so breathtaking and familiar at the same time. She wanted to go back there so much. But first she had a job to do. Find him. And then go home. Even if it was over his dead body.