100 Feckin’ Days without sugar – 69 to go

New starters reading here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky starlight shiny people.

Now read on…

Thursday 12th June: Well, we’ve left the 70s behind us and we’re at number 69. You know what that means!

  A pointless Bill and Ted Reference Gif, that’s what!

Day 69 sees our heroine making her way to the pool, as usual, and not eating sugar, as usual. But yesterday I got told that I look as if I have lost a lot of weight, so I am taking that and running with it. And then putting it down, panting a lot, and sitting down for a rest.


100 Feckin’ Days without sugar – 70 to go.

New starters reading here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky starlight shiny people.

Now read on…

Wednesday, 11 June; Some days are just harder than others. While walking out of the pool this morning, I was congratulating myself on all my hard work. Swim done, at work on time, about to start a new and exciting day. Then someone walked past me with one of these.

A great big chewy biscuit, saucer plate sized. How I managed to let her walk past me without snatching it from her hand and stuffing it down the gob I’ll never know.  Still, mustn’t grumble. If only for the fact that my stomach is doing enough of that for both of us….

100 days without sugar – 72 days to go

New starters reading here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky starlight shiny people.

Now read on…

Monday, 9 th June; The weekend wasn’t very restful, in that beloved son decided that 4 am and 6 am were perfect times to wake up respectively. On Sunday evening, we found I had a new type of shadow under my eyes, a shadow so deep they looked bruised. Scary.

So no blogging, apologies. When I do get some down time, I’m reading again. It’s the Newsflesh series by Mira Grant. It’s tense, terrifying and very gripping, but not requiring a lot of memorisation or reflection, so we’re away. The only snacks I’m having are popcorn or sugar free biscuits. And as for weight loss?

Not a single pound.

Nope, not a one. Still as delightfully rotund as a round thing.

Subtle, n’est pas?

Ayeayeaye. We persevere, however, and I was in the pool this am for my 1500 metres. Then work, brought to you by “Coffee”, followed by more work, brought to you by “Lunch”. I’m away shortly to start the second job at home.  Have a good one!

100 Days without Sugar – 75 to go

New starters read here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

Pool is done for today, an easy swim that I didn’t really push myself for.

And maybe I’m crazy, but I think my clothes are getting looser. Could be wrong. Probably am. But could be right. Huh.

100 Days without Sugar – 77 to go

New starters read here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

Pool done; a thousand metres only because I have a busy morning ahead.

Plus, Himself has hit it out of the park by coming home with four boxes of sugar free biscuits from Dunnes. Maybe I was going on a bit. Maybe?

100 Days without sugar – 78 to go

New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

I am determined to not be the best. Instead, I am determined to do my best. To be consistent, show up, and get it done. Much better idea than to get it ‘right’.

Anyway, that means today I was still pleased when Mr. Triathlon with the stomach like a trampoline said to me, “You’re a swimmer. Going for the Europeans?” I wanted to tell him I’m an old mammy with a two year old and the only place I was going was to Aldi. Instead I made some simpering comment that revealed my lack of brain cells and got out of the pool.

Nice thing to have happened, though.

100 Days without sugar – 79 to go.

New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

Okay, enough whining. I’m just going to get on with it.

100 Days without Sugar – 83 to go

New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

Yes, I did miss a day’s blogging. Mainly because I had nothing to boost about. I got to the pool late, and when I was getting dressed my swim cap both tore in half and slapped me across the face. I managed to be both inconvenienced and insulted at the same time.

“You’re not the boss of me! Owww!”

So brainbox here gave the swim a miss yesterday. Didn’t have any sugar, but didn’t have any righteous glow about me either. And it was a cold day, so went home, ate pasta, and slept.

This morning, it seems that the alarm went off and I decided that it was a fine idea in theory, but in reality not for me. I seem to have shut it off and gone right back to sleep.

I hardly need to credit this, do I? It’s clearly my own creation.

I woke up an hour later, with about twenty minutes to move before I really was late for work. Managed to get myself here just before 9am, but no swim for me today. And really I know I should be guilty, but that’s mostly what I’m guilty about, I’m not. 

I’m tired. Really, really tired, like weary, uninspired, worn out. I try to complete so much and I’m getting more and more discouraged because the weight is still on, the books are still unwritten, the mountain seems unending.

I’m pushing myself hard, and I don’t the results are really worth it.





100 days without sugar; 85 to go

New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

Dinner was late last night, but it meant I didn’t get to bed until late. I didn’t fall asleep till midnight last night.

Beloved Son had me away at 4.30 am.

I am tired!

Interestingly, my tiredness saw all the negativity come flooding back, with a firm conviction that there was no point in going swimming as I wouldn’t do well and there was only a large chance of making a fool of myself.

Well, so what? I told myself that it didn’t matter if I made a fool of myself or not. I don’t have to be the best, it’s bloody unlikely that I was going to be in any case. Thinking that I had to hit the water with everything I’ve got was just putting me off. Going for a swim in of itself was really more than enough.

A calm pastoral view is a nice view as well.

And I went for my swim, and I completed the 1500 meters, with an easy 50 pace. I’m bleary eyed with the tiredness, but I am still going and there will be more to do before I get to rest. I have, however, coped with my negative attitude today, and that is something. I didn’t talk myself out of it, so well done me.

No, it’s not much, but I’m taking it.  Tonight, however, I think we’re getting takeaway and an will have an early night, I’m dizzy with the tiredness.

Awwwwww! 🙂

100 days without sugar; 86 to go

New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.

And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.

Now read on…

Ah, rage. Rage ragey mc-rage rage. There is a marvelous unearned clarity that comes with rage. It lets you see and think in ways you didn’t get to do before. Mainly because those ways had signs on them, like ‘Go Back’, and ‘Not a Good Idea’. Rage cuts through, clarifies and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. It is, when you’re in a slump, a good thing.

Why did that sound so familiar?

I really have to update my viewing library…

I managed to learn that the MRA movement, the anti-woman movement that helped spawn the mass killing in the States is going to have an event in Maynooth in June. Ooh, the rage that comes when I hear of that. Because  that is all we need, in a country where Therese Heaney gets 13,000 votes and where 800 babies are found in a mass grave, a step back for women’s rights is just WHAT WE NEED AROUND HERE!

“Jesus. Chill.”


Anyway, I managed to get to the pool and for some strange reason not only get through my 1500 metres but to do it in good time. So go me and all my internalised rage. I both Rock and/or Roll, so I do.

Right, so that is Day 86 nearly in the bag. Very surprised at how quickly it is going! Must make another batch of sugar free biscuits soon. This batch is very sweet, and I think it might be improved by just a grain of salt or two in the mix. Will be doing another batch soon and I will let you know how I get on.