So now that I am back on the diet, what do I look like now?
Just luverly…..
So now that I am back on the diet, what do I look like now?
Just luverly…..
So, I am back swimming. If I thought it wasn’t much of a work out, my few weeks away have proven me wrong.
I hurt all over.
This is nonsense, especially if you saw the small slow crawl I achieved today.
And in an effort to keep reaching for that rainbow, yesterday I had no sugar, and hopefully today will see me back on track again. The scales are very cruel at the moment. The worst thing is to hope that it would get better. I need to do the right thing!
So, did you miss me? I had my holidays there. Two weeks of not coming into work, so I di. And did I behave myself with the sugar?
It is fair to say, I did not.
See, this is why I can’t have nice things. (Well done to the staff at Eddie Rockets who had to cope with a grown woman squealing.)
So, I am approaching the end of this delightful saga. I’ve found that I have not only failed to lose weight, but put it on quite a bit. This is something I can fight back but only a little. I think that if I am going to do this it will have to be by small steps, day by day, of just taking it easy and not forcing any insane or mad diets…. Would you look at that ice cream I had? God does that ever look good. Don’t you think? What was I saying?
Gentle steps, good behaviour Monday to Friday, and allow things now and again.
Are you buying this?
New newbies be reading and stuff here; Our heroine has left the ruin and continued on through the jungle. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.
And that you all should hear about it whether you want to or not.
Now read on.
Tuesday 22nd July 2014:
And I went up a clothes size.
New newbies be reading and stuff here; Our heroine had called out hello, and is only hearing her own voice echo back to her. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.
And that you all should hear about it whether you want to or not
Now read on.
Monday, 21st July 2014:
Seems unpleasant to discuss such a paltry subject when the headlines are what they are, these days. I am now so sufficiently disenfranchised that I rarely catch the news bar specfic things I’ve Google Alerted myself to now. Most of the time I’m horrified by both the specific at-home tragedies and the general nation-wide nightmares. And the response I have is usually because it plays in my mind for so long…
Aaaaagh the Bedroom Tax is robbery disguised!!!
So to avoid that impotent rage and sweeping sorrow I don’t really read the news much any more. But I’m still aware enough to know that this blog, these few little lines are less than pertinent to the world stage. Or any stage.
Even a Deadwood One.
Anyhoo, this weekend I left the house on my own. No child, no husband, just left the house. Went clothes shopping, And to my joy I discovered the three way mirror in Marks and Spencer. I kid you not, for a moment I thought that I would never go swimming again. Firstly, I know I don’t look good, yeah yeah yeah. But I also know that while I’m supposed to do something about it, I’m not supposed to look like I am doing something about it. I have to suck in mah tummy but not look like I’m stressed, and it is a lot of spinning plates to get in order.
The only way I am going to lose the weight I want to lose is to get rid of the carbs. But frankly that is torture. I’ve my hols coming up and the start of the new academic year and the idea of going without is unpleasant. I’m almost in tears at the idea.
I always laugh at the suggestion all I need to do is to push myself harder, Would they go away and shite?
New newbies be reading and stuff here; Our heroine had successfully made her way to the clearing, and is gingerly calling out hello. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.
And that you all should hear about it, you lottery winning so and so’s.
Now read on.
Friday 18 July 2014:
I’m fried. The usual demands of the week plus zero carbs plus the kid having weird sleep cycles means that I was less than the fastest in the pool. Frankly, though, there is nothing to be gained by being anything less than impressed with myself, the days of giving out to myself are over. They change nothing and usually only make things worse.
So the change with the thunder and the lightening that we had this morning, heck I just went with it. I think that this kind of extreme weather is great, I love this short lived change. Makes life interesting.
But I’m on the merry go round so much these days I barely meet folk for coffee, or relax….I am not sure I would know how to do so if I had to. Relaxing sounds like empty space, not sure I do very well with that.
And here comes the weekend. Hope you all have a good one.
New newbies be reading and stuff here; Our heroine had successfully battled her way through the undergrowth with the machete, and has come across a ruin in a clearing. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.
And that you all should hear about it, you lottery winning so and so’s.
Now read on.
Thursday, 17th July 2014
Will you look at that date? July, and the middle of July, already. I don’t know where time went, or where it goes. But I suspect it is speeding up quite a lot.
It is july, well past the mid point of the year. Soon August, and the waning of the light. There is much to do, so much to do, and not much time. But it does seem that this sugar thing is getting easier, finally. I am on my second day of zero carbs and zero sugar, and I will admit that it seems easier. Go me!
New newbies be reading and stuff here; Our heroine had successfully battled her way throuh the pit of snakes, and is moving through the undergrowth armed with only a machete and a pout. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.
And that you all should hear about it, you lottery winning so and so’s.
Now read on…
Wednesday 16th July 2014
So in the pool this morning, I suddenly remembered Diane Nyad. Remember her? She was and is the endurance swimmer who completed the swim from Cuba to Florida, a swim of 100 miles. Here is a little clip to put that into perspective.
Not only was Diane Nyad’s swim extraordinary in of itself, it is also amazing that she kept going. This was her forth attempt at it. Each time she did it, various conditions of the water got in the way. The jellyfish were too much. The sharks were too much. She and her team solved each problem as she went and came back for more. She finally completed the swim about ten months ago. I remember hearing about it and then forgetting about it, as she had tried and failed four times before.
The entire thing was visible online, in that she was tracked by GPS and you could trace it on her website.
There were also updates on Facebook and on Twitter.
I heard about it on Saturday, and when I got into work on Monday she was still at it. Twitter gave more and more excited updates, and on the end of the day, after 53 hours in the water, she came to the shore at Key West. She was dehydrated, but otherwise okay. She was, amazingly, okay. Tired, but okay.
And just one other thing? She was 63 years old at the time.
It does somewhat put things into perspective, I think. Have a good day.
New newbies be reading and stuff here; Our heroine had successfully battled her way out of the giant cardboard box she was erroneously posted in, but has left herself with a thousand paper cuts. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.
And that you all should hear about it, you quixotic cray-cray people.
Now read on…
Tuesday 15th July 2014
I. Am. Starving! How do people do it, how did I ever do this? I wanna sweet things. I do, I want biscuits and cake that has that gooey centre that is enough to make you put up with Glados in Portal*, I want biscuits that are too big for your mouth, I want ice cream sundaes with sprinkles and chopped nuts on top and I want pipped cream with buttons and … I think I want this! (Just imagine this isn’t that muck but made with decent cream, and you’ve pretty much got it. I blame my childhood in front of the TV. Bah!)
*Try listening to this song and not finding it catchy.
New newbies be reading and stuff here; Our heroine had successfully battled her way out of the giant cardboard box she was erroneously posted in, but has left herself with a thousand paper cuts. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.
And that you all should hear about it, you quixotic cray-cray people.
Now read on…
Monday 14th July 2014
The gritty streets of Dublin. I know these streets. I’ve walked these streets. I know this city’s mood, how it operates. That is the kind of person I am, the hard boiled, battle weary blogger you have come to know so well. So get comfy, folks. This tale ain’t pretty and it ain’t all nice.
A hand goes up from the audience:
Excuse me? What is this?
We all know who you are and what you do. The only thing gritty about you is your poorly creamed scones. Get on with it!
Oh, all right. So indeed there is less likeihood of me being hardboiled then there is of an egg in a poorly run B&B in Torquay, so I may as well revert back to normality. Which is that that all things are normal. I managed to go for a run this weekend on Sunday, which is nice because it will make up for the scones and cream I scoffed on Saturday. Swings and roundabouts people. I managed to continue the swimming this morning and received a drink of water from the lifeguard, which means either I am so impressive that he got me water in support or that I am so unimpressive that he got me water in concern. More likely that he was just being nice, and was bored, it’s pretty quiet in there right now.
I aim to have not one but two days without carbs this week, as well as going without sugar. I’m not sure I will be able to stand it. You will no doubt be full of support, and not post pictures of cake, or anything? Would hate to have that to look at.