Oh sod off. So yes, I am facing into another spin around the solar system, meaning that the planet I was born on has successfully completed another cycle around the sun (being married to the other half means I have to get that one right or I will never hear the end of it). You know what that means, youngster? It means another cluster of grey hairs, that’s what it means. It means making sure the insurance is paid and that the heating is on and oh my god the end is nigh.
Yes, that’s what it means. It means the inevitable physical and mental collapse of the rather marvellous thing called Claire and that it is getting less and less likely that I will ever really have a ticker tape parade to celebrate how fantastic I am (oh, look it up if you don’t know what that is!).

This is long overdue, people!!
So last night, after visiting my home town and tying the child up so that he would in fact finally go to sleep, I was getting myself into a tizzy about the fact that I was getting another year old. I was, in that surreal way that can happen when you are so tired you don’t know your name, I remembered the Chorus Singers Jon Stewart would use to convey his message to Fox News;
So I pictured the following, complete with my own chorus singers;
I am so old
You’re very old!
43 is old.
That’s really old!
And I should just give up, nothing to left to do…
Don’t give up yet!
I mean, don’t want to give up yet!
Can’t give up yet!
I’ve about forty years left to me, at this rate…
That’s a long time!
And I could still do a lot with it…
Could do a lot!
So I may as well keep trying…
Nothing to lose!
In fact, being mature might be a lucky privilege…
Ain’t done yet!
Maturity could be the best thing yet.
That’s what they say!
…You’ve lost us there!
Compost. Makes soil better, but it takes time. Mature soil grows more.
Still don’t follow!
Maturity might be the best thing.
Let’s go with that!
So let’s not write me off just yet.
You’ve got it made!
All right, let’s bring it home!

“She’s 43! She’s 43! She’s 43!”
Any of you got anything to say, don’t want to hear it. And I probably wouldn’t, anyway, going deaf. Young people and their music….