New starters reading here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.
And that you all should hear about it, you lucky starlight shiny people.
Now read on…
Monday, 16 June: Ah, the excitement that is Monday. Surely you all know by now, in my off hours I fight International crime. I use a mixture of brains, feminine guile and mime to fend off evil criminal masterminds, all while keeping my hair perfect.

In truth I decided the best thing I could do was get the housework done and play with the little man, and that’s what I did. And now I’m back in pesky reality.
So today I’m back in the pool and back at the desk, and pretty much getting things done. I think that I’m going to have to go down the road of giving up carbs if I really want this weight loss thing to happen. Sometimes, you just have to make the sacrifice to get the result.
Wadda think? Should I?