New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.
And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.
Now read on…
Sunday, 25th May; I woke up dreaming of Cable ties around lampposts. I’m pretty surprised by the election results, depressed, even. Mary Hanafin? Really? On your own head be it. I did vote, so I have the right to complain, at least.
The little man is up at 8am and we go, after breakfast, for a long walk that ends up lasting for an hour and a half. We pet every dog we pass, pick all the daisies and collect all the interesting leaves and stones we see along the way. The estate here is perfect for this in that it has long walks that have no access by car, so there is no need to worry about a car knocking a little person down. It also has a tiny stream that allows for frogs, etc, and he is still young enough to be delighted by it.
We get home, and he is tired. Matter of fact, so am I, so after his lunch he settled down for his nap and I have a snooze. And I end up dreaming of sugar; egg whites whipped to a creamy frothiness, with coconut added and sweetener. I wake up thinking that surely that must be possible?
In any case, while he is still asleep I have made this;
Sugar free peanut butter cookies. I’ve just pulled them out of the oven and we’ll see how they are shortly. They are here to serve that difficult, after-dinner period when I hate to say no to myself. Will let you know how I get on!

Don’t know how they taste yet…