A few trusted friends and wise writers have the novella. I’m as nervous as glass shards. The worst part is the internal dialogue I have while waiting for any response from folks. I conscious that my ego, my low minded greedy-for-praise ego wants to be told it’s only marvelous. I’m also very much aware that there are huge flaws in the work. I am trying to brace myself to hear about these.
Some of it is good. Some of it is outrageously brave. Some of it is juvenile trash. What do I think is going to happen? That my phone will ring, and in true Hanna-Barbera fashion, a hand will reach down the phone line and slap me across the face?

“It’s for you! Aaand…you’re crap!”
This is the best and the worst part of all this, the reality check that comes with it. I live in my head nearly 100% of the time (where else could I live, when you think about it), so asking for uninterrupted input is hard. But no one made me write the thing. I’ve only myself to blame.
Wish me luck!
Judging from the first 250 words or so, I don’t think you’ve reason to panic by any means! I do have some first impressions but I’d probably need to read on a little further.
I had great plans to get stuck into this last night – enjoyed the first couple of chapters, then had a vomiting child to deal with! Am cautiously optimistic that I’ll be able to read on later, as said child seems to be recovering 🙂 But it’s a good sign that I really want to see what happens next! C xx
Stoppit, will you. There will be no slapping. All feedback helps the finished piece to be the best it can be; this is a good process you’re on. Thanks for including me in the process!
Jaysis. I just used ‘process’ twice in the one blog comment. Are you sure you want me on your team of editors? *makes shamed face*