Sad to say the show hosted by Richie McCormack and Michelle Doherty, and produced by Charlotte Flood, is no more. The two presenters are moving on to better things! I”ve spent a little time on the tops of buses wondering what made their show better than others.
Firstly, the tunes. They had some really, really, really good music on the show, and weren”t afraid to say if they found something wasn”t good (mention Adele to Richie and you had no one to blame but yourself). Secondly, the humour of McCormack was usually spot on the ball, but was never boorish or at the expense of someone else: it was never sarcastic or bitter. Hence, theirs was the one show not headwrecking in the morning.
I started listening to them during my early morning jogs at 6am, back when I was able to jog five days a week. They were the perfect start to the day, especially when things were so tough taking care of Mum at the time
The last show was Friday, 14th September 2012, and below are links to some of the songs they played; lads, you will be missed…
Violent Femmes – Blister in the Sun